Atoms, the basics, beta version : Over here

Hello ! I'm doctor Blub !
How does the plane fly ? How can we receive worldwide information in our pockets without any solid links ? Do you wonder what are the things your eyes can't see ? If you ask yourself questions like these, you might be interested in what's behind all things : Physics and Chemistry. The two sciences that human created to describe our whole life. From the smallest (gluons, quarks) to the biggest (galaxies), physics and chemistry try to understand how it works.
I'll try to give you a simplified understanding of some phenomenom that you might be interested in.

That's a bit rough isn't it ? Let's maybe try to get some basics first and then we can go back to Higgs.
As you know, in every field, there are plenty of technical terms. Some might seems scary but they are “usually” only use to be very specific.
In the different areas of physics : astronomy, high energy physics, acoustics, quantum physiques etc. The diverse interactions all undergo the 4 fundamental forces.
- Gravity has farthest reach (interaction between planets) but the weakest strength of interactions.
- Electromagnetism which governs the interaction between charged particles.
- Weak Interaction occurs at the atomic size
(ie. very very very small) but has a forceful interaction.
- Strong Interaction has the closest reach and as her name indicated, the strongest of the interaction.
Depending on the discipline (ie the range of action), the main properties “differs” between the different disciplines and yet not trivial to unify.
As an example in quantum physics (which is the one I’ll focus on), the properties
change according to the dramatic change in size compared to the macro world.
Does quantum seem barbaric to you ? Basically, quantum physics is the world of small things (particles) and come from the “quanta” term which
means : “the basic brick”.
Let's start by some basics: atoms (beta version). Follow me over here
The team.